Government Responses to Human Trafficking in Turkey: Evaluation and Mapping of National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Trafficking (December 2005-October 2007)

Government Responses to Human Trafficking in Turkey: Evaluation and Mapping of National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Trafficking (December 2005-October 2007)

Istanbul Bilgi University Human Rights Law Research Center acted as partner and a consultant for Turkey for OSCE-ODIHR in this project, which aimed to map National Referral Mechanisms for victims of human trafficking in a number of countries, and to evaluate the responses to human trafficking problem as well. In the framework of the project legal position of human trafficking victims in Turkey was evaluated, along with assessment of how victims are identified, what kinds of protection are available to them, and how trafficking cases are processed in the criminal justice system. Further, a study of how trafficking is presented in the local media was also conducted.