The training was organised by Human Rights Law Research Center in cooperation with European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) on 16-17 November 203 at santralistanbul campus of Istanbul Bilgi University.
The participants were lawyers from Ankara, Batman, Istanbul and İzmir. Following the opening speeches held by Prof. Turgut Tarhanlı (Dean of Faculty of Law and Director of Human Rights Law Research Center) and Adam Weiss (Legal Director, European Roma Rights Centre) on "Situation of Roma across Europe and Turkey", the training program continued with the following sessions and speakers:
- "Turkish Constitution and direct applicability of international standards" sesssion by Asst. Prof. Lami Bertan Tokuzlu (Faculty of Law, Bilgi University) and Hilal Küey (Lawyer),
- "Protection of the right to housing under the UN system" session by Asst. Prof. İdil Işıl Gül (Faculty of Law, İstanbul Bilgi University) and Andrea Colak (Lawyer, European Roma Rights Centre)
- "Prohibition of discrimination based on ethnicity under domestic and Council of Europe framework" session by Adam Weiss (Legal Director, European Roma Rights Centre) and Asst. Prof. Dr. Ulaş Karan (faculty of Law, Istanbul Bilgi University)
- "Protection of Roma housing rights under the Article 8 ECHR" session by Adam Weiss (Legal Director, European Roma Rights Centre).