Experts’ Consultation Meeting on the Measurement Framework of Violence Against Women was held in Vilnius by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) on 16-17 November 2016. EIGE is an autonomous body of the European Union, established to contribute to and strengthen the promotion of gender equality, including gender mainstreaming in all EU policies and the resulting national policies, and the fight against discrimination based on sex, as well as to raise EU citizens’ awareness of gender equality. EIGE prepares the Gender Equality Index, which is a composite indicator that provides a measure of the gender equality since 2013. Due to lack of comparable data across all EU Member States, the Gender Equality Index prepared in 2013 did not include the domain of violence against women. After the completion of the EU-wide survey on violence against women by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in 2012, the Gender Equality Index in 2015 clustered the Member States into three broad groups according to their levels of disclosed violence in relation to the EU average. EIGE plans to expand and develop the measurement framework of VAW in the EU for the Gender Equality Index of 2017. In this framework, Experts’ Consultation Meeting on the Measurement Framework of Violence Against Women was held in Vilnius on 16-17 November 2016. Approximately 80 participants attended the meeting. Sevinç Eryılmaz from the Human Rights Law Research Center has also participated in the meeting.
Photos: © European Institute for Gender Equality