Social Media and Minorities Project assesses the role of social media in promoting equal citizenship and existing (legal) limitations regarding freedom of expression. The project takes a step towards enhancing social and political participation of non-Muslim minorities by focusing on social media as a means. The project is implemented by Yeniköy Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church and School in partnership with İstanbul Bilgi University Human Rights Law Research Center and Hellenic Foundation For European And Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the situation of non-Muslim communities in Turkey as socially vulnerable groups by enhancing their social and political participation as equal citizens. The specific objectives of the project are: to explore and enhance the social media as a means to increase social and political participation of Non-Muslim community members and as a safe space for non-Muslim community members to exercise their freedom of speech; and to identify legal limitations around social media specifically regarding hate speech and/or insult.
The project is financed in the context of Civil Society Dialogue Between EU And Turkey.