My Vocational High School is Youth Friendly (September 2013-July 2014)

My Vocational High School is Youth Friendly (September 2013-July 2014)

The project is launched by Çelikel Education Foundation aiming to help young people get the most out of their right to education and opportunities for their future life, to raise their awareness on rights and responsibilities and gender equality by taking into consideration the conditions peculiar to vocational high schools. The project is implemented with the support of Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education and financial assistance by Matra Fund of the Consulate General of the Netherlands. In this project, İstanbul Bilgi University Human Rights Law Research Center cooperated with Çelikel Education Foundation. In this regard, members of the Center Gökçeçiçek Ayata and Burcu Yeşiladalı developed a human rights training program targeting vocational high school teachers and provided a two-day teacher training held in December 2013. Subsequently, experience sharing meetings with teachers were held upon teachers’ implementation of human rights training in their schools.