Human Rights Law at BİLGİ

Human rights at BILGI comes forth, specifically in the context of programs and research in law, through several academic and social means such as programs in various levels, undergraduate and graduate courses, research, publications, professional training, activities of student clubs and a vast library collection on human rights law.


CEDAW Literacy for Legal Professionals (1 February - 31 December 2022)

  The project of BİLGİ Human Rights Law Research Center titled "United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms ...

Prohibition of Discrimination: Concept, Legislation, Monitoring and Documenting

"Prohibition of Discrimination: Concept, Legislation, Monitoring and Documenting" authored by İdil Işıl Gül, Ulaş Karan and edited by Burcu Yeşiladalı, Gökçeçiçek Ayata. 

Declaration of State of Emergency and Related Instruments

These pages are available only in Turkish.

