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Human Rights Collection
Center’s Projects
CEDAW Literacy for Legal Professionals (1 February - 31 December 2022)
Legal Assistance Network (Pro Bono) (2006-2019)
Strengthening Women’s Access to Justice Project (July 2018-July 2019)
Enhancing Individual Application Procedure by Monitoring Turkish Constitutional Court Judgments (September 2016-July 2017)
Social Media and Minorities Project (October 2014-January 2016)
Toolkit and Training about Artistic Freedom of Expression (September-November 2015)
Technical Assistance for Prevention of Domestic Violence Against Women (July 2013-July 2015)
Developing Judicial Training for Restorative Justice: Towards a European Approach (January 2013-December 2014)
European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics–Data Contribution (2011-2014)
Women’s Collaboration for Gender Justice (2012-2014)
Promoting Access to Constitutional Individual Complaint in Turkey (December 2013-November 2014)
OSI Network Scholarship Programs (2001-2012)
JUSTMEN (2009-2012)
Awareness Raising in the Areas of Non-Discrimination and Equality Targeted at Civil Society Organisations (ART Project) (December 2010-June 2012)
Restriction of Political Speech on the Internet: Implications for Freedom of Expression in Turkey (October 2011-February 2012)
Mapping of the Anti-Discrimination Legal, Institutional and Policy Framework in Turkey and the Western Balkans (December 2009-June 2011)
Combating Discrimination in Turkey through Documenting and Reporting (February 2009-February 2011)
Effective Defense Rights in the EU and Access to Justice (2009-2010)
Strengthening Respect for the Human Rights of Women in Turkey (November 2005-December 2010)
Strengthening Respect for Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Turkey (November 2005-December 2010)
Training of Turkish Judges and Public Prosecutors on Human Rights and Strengthening the Local Capacity for the Internalization of Human Rights Standards (September 2006-September 2009)
Promoting the Practice of Victim-offender Mediation (September 2006-July 2008)
Restorative Justice: An Agenda for Europe (June 2006-May 2008)
Capacity Building of Istanbul Bilgi University Human Rights Law Research Center (2002-2007)
Government Responses to Human Trafficking in Turkey: Evaluation and Mapping of National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Trafficking (December 2005-October 2007)
Justice Watch (June 2006-September 2007)
International Crime Victim Survey 2005 (July 2005–July 2007)
RAXEN_CT: Information Network on Racism and Xenophobia in the Candidate Countries Croatia and Turkey (July 2006-July 2007)
Access and Impact of Criminal Legal aid before Istanbul Courts (November 2004-February 2007)
The Study of the Accessibility and Quality of Criminal Legal Aid in Turkey (November 2004-December 2006)
Study on Legal Needs of the Urban Poor (June- October 2005)
Human Rights Capacity Building Project in Turkey (May 2004-September 2005)
Distance Learning Program for Judicial Reform in Turkey (November 2004-January 2005)
Strengthening the Human Rights Capacity in Turkey (September 2002-September 2004)
Training Programme for Turkish Judges and Prosecutors (October 2003-June 2004)
Legal Aid in Turkey (2004)